NDT services on Railway Components

Non Destructive Testing (NDT) is required on most of metal components of Indian Railways during procurement of raw materials or on completion of machining and fabrication. NDT services such as Ultrasonic testing (UT), Magnetic Particle Testing(MPT), Liquid Penetrant Testing(LPT), Radiography Testing (RT) &Visual Inspection Testing(VT). The Indian Railways require the manufactures to attain ISO 3834 Certification to become vendors for Indian Railways. Welded Components manufacturing,vendors can also upgrade to ISO 15085 certification to enter into Global and bigger market of welded railway components. In order to achieve ISO 3834 or ISO 15085 , we Advanced Quality centre assists you in right path by preparing you the welding procedure specification (wps) as per ISO 15614 and welder Qualification as per ISO 9606. We also consult & witness the mechanical testings of the welded Test specimens before approval of WPQR and WQR. What is Welder Qualification? ...